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Take control of the outdoor itch that plagues you.

Use Tecnu Outdoor Skin Cleanser after you have been outdoors to remove the rash-causing oil, urushiol (oo-roo-she-all) from poison ivy, oak and sumac. Simply apply Tecnu to dry skin for two minutes and rinse with cool water or wipe off with a cloth.

When used within 2-8 hours after exposure to the plants, Tecnu can remove urushiol oil before the rash begins. Once the rash has started, washing with Tecnu helps remove any free oil on the skin allowing the natural healing process to begin without possible recontamination.

Urushiol oil can also spread from contaminated clothing, shoes, gloves, tools and pets. Since the oil does not evaporate, it can remain on these items for months or even years at a time. Use Tecnu to remove the oil and avoid a rash from secondary contact.



How to use Tecnu Outdoor Skin Cleanser

  • Skin

    Use within a few hours of exposure to help remove poison oak and ivy oil (urushiol) before rash begins. Once the rash has started, wash with Tecnu to help remove oils on skin allowing the healing process to begin without recontamination.

  • Tools

    Urushiol oils clinging to tools and equipment can cause rash. Clean equipment with a cloth saturated with Tecnu (check an inconspicuous corner of the equipment for possible surface damage before use). Wash thoroughly with soap and water.

  • Clothing

    Saturate contaminated, unwetted clothing with Tecnu in a bucket or dishpan (First check for color fastness by testing a concealed corner of the fabric). Let soak for several minutes. Launder clothing by itself as usual with detergent and hot water.

  • Pets

    Dogs, cats, horses and other furry pets can become contaminated by urushiol oil and can transfer poison oil to owners without being affected themselves. Saturate a cloth with Tecnu and wipe down the pet's coat. Then follow with a pet shampoo and water bath.

  • Skunk

    If your pet is sprayed by a skunk, saturate a cloth with Tecnu and wipe down the pet's coat. Then follow with a pet shampoo and warm water rinse. DO NOT LEAVE TECNU ON FUR. IT MUST BE COMPLETELY WASHED OFF WITH SHAMPOO AND WATER.

  • Tree Sap/Pitch

    Tecnu can be used to clean pitch, tree sap, road tar, grass stains and many other difficult to remove nuisances from skin, clothing and tools. Apply Tecnu directly and rub until the stain dissolves. Rinse off with soap and water.

What people are saying about Tecnu

I just mainly wanted to let you know how much I appreciate what a great product you've made.

The Tecnu outdoor skin cleanser was SUCH a lifesaver for me this past weekend. I decided to help a friend remove some panels off the side of a barn that had been falling apart. Not knowing there were large amounts of poison ivy vines that have been growing along the side of this barn over a period of time, right there I KNEW my arms and face had been exposed to the oils when I had to remove the vines from the panels. Luckily I had a bottle of the Tecnu skin cleanser in my first aid kit. As soon as I got home from doing this job, I IMMEDIATELY applied the cleanser to my hands, arms, and face and rubbed it in, then rinsed. As of now, I STILL don't feel any itching. Before I discovered your product, I use to have to resort to getting rid of poison ivy by scratching my skin until it literally was bleeding, then poured bleach on it. What a PAINFULL procedure to say the least. But now thanks to your Tecnu skin cleanser it's sooo much easier to deal with any poison ivy when ever I feel like I'm exposed to it. Keep up the GREAT work. Thanks again.

D., Columbus, OH

I have used your product (Tecnu Outdoor Skin Cleanser) for about four years and have had great success with it.

Ever since I was a little boy I have had poison ivy. It got so bad that when I was about 10 years old the doctor gave me shots to prevent it. The shots did not work. I suffered every single summer form severe cases of poison ivy until I found your product at CVS. This letter is to thank you and to say that I use it every time I work in our yard and the woods. Your product works wonders!!!

SN, Wyndmoor, PA

Greetings! I was just going to send a quick THANK YOU for developing the first product I have ever used that keeps poison ivy from infecting me, and am quite pleased to see I am not the only VERY HAPPY customer!!

I have used products like Calamine Lotion to help me stop itching for many years, and was very interested when I spotted your product in a pharmacy (I was really kind of doubtful when I spotted it, but anything that would help me avoid the ITCH was worth the try). I bought it last summer and put it on a shelf, and I immediately forgot about it. Well, last week I walked my dog along the creek behind my house. After walking a mile from the house my dog decided to chase a squirrel, and I had to go get her when she ignored my calls. When I bent down to get her, I noticed too late that ALL of the plants I was in contact with (it was touching my legs, arms, and FACE) were poison ivy. When I got home I washed the dog, and then I took a shower. After I was done I looked in the medicine cabinet for Calamine, but I spotted your product (Tecnu Outdoor Skin Cleaner)and gave it a try. After I was finished, I rubbed some on the dog too. I followed the instructions to the letter, and one week later I can happily report that I HAVE HAD NO RASHES AT ALL! I am amazed and impressed! Thank you for a great product! I am actually going to BUY a bottle for a friend of mine - telling him about it just isn't as convincing as giving him a bottle to try!

D.H., Austin, TX


What causes poison ivy, oak and sumac rash?

It all boils down to the skin's reaction to a nasty little oil called urushiol (ooh-roo-she-all). Urushiol is a toxic, resinous type substance that is found in all parts of the poison ivy, oak and sumac plants. When urushiol gets on the skin it binds to the skin within 10-20 minutes. At that point the urushiol becomes extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get off the skin with soap and water. The rash from poison ivy, oak and sumac is the body's natural reaction to the toxin. Contact with this annoying oil produces a rash in three out of four people. The rash can begin within a few hours after contact, or it can start three to five days later.

Where do poison oak, poison ivy and poison sumac plants grow?

Poison oak, poison ivy, poison sumac and other members of the Rhus family grow in all portions of the North American continent (except Nevada, Alaska, and Hawaii) at elevations below 4,000 feet with a rainfall above eight inches per year.

What does a poison oak or poison ivy rash look like?

The rash starts with itchiness and swelling, followed by a reddish inflammation of tiny pimples. Blisters form and couple in a chain-like reaction, and a clear fluid oozes from the blisters. This fluid then hardens to a yellowish crust. Left untreated, the rash (a typical histamine response) will last three to five weeks.

What can I do to relieve the itching from poison oak or poison ivy?

There is no cure for the poison oak or poison ivy rash once it begins, only relief of the symptoms. Avoid further contact with the plant oil if possible. Be sure to wash the area with Tecnu® Outdoor Skin Cleanser or Tecnu Extreme™ Poison Ivy Scrub. Clean your tools, clothing and pets that have been exposed to the poison oak, ivy or sumac with Tecnu to avoid recontamination from the urushiol oil. Minor itching, pain, oozing and swelling caused by poison oak and poison ivy can be relieved with over-the-counter anti-itch treatments such as Tecnu Rash Relief™ spray, Calagel® medicated anti-itch gel or Corticool® 1% hydrocortisone gel. In severe cases, a physician can prescribe antihistamine creams, tablets or shots.

Do the blisters cause the rash to spread?

No, the blisters are the body's natural allergic reaction to poison ivy, oak and sumac plants. If the blisters break and ooze, the fluid does not contain the oil that causes spreading. Oil from the original contact with poison oak and poison ivy will continue spreading (unless removed) for the first one or two days. If new areas of rash appear after three days, you are most likely getting re-exposed to the plant oil from contaminated clothing, tools or even your cat or dog.

How long will a poison oak or poison ivy rash last?

Mild cases of poison oak or poison ivy can last five to 12 days. More severe cases can last 30 days or longer.

Can I get the rash from someone else?

Generally speaking, no. Once the rash appears (i.e., within 1-3 days), the original oil has all bonded to the skin, so it can't be spread to others.

Should I break the blisters?

Never break the blisters! An open blister can easily become infected and lead to blood poisoning. If the blisters break, cover loosely with a sterile bandage. In severe cases, contact your doctor.

I've never had the rash before. Can I get it now?

Yes, you can begin getting the rash at any time during your life. Three out of four people are sensitive to poison oak and poison ivy. Sensitivity is just a matter of being exposed enough times until the body has an allergic reaction to the poison oil.

Should I wrap or cover the rash with bandages?

Air is helpful to healing any wound. If you cover the rash with a sterile bandage, cover loosely to allow oxygen to reach the surface of the skin. It is important to keep the rash very clean; changing the sterile bandage frequently reduces the risk of infection. Seek medical attention if the rash becomes red, feverish, or shows other signs of infection.

Are dead poison oak or poison ivy plants safe to touch?

No, the poison oil remains toxic and does not evaporate. All parts of living or dead poison ivy, oak and sumac plants, including the roots, contain the urushiol oil. Be especially careful of dead poison oak and poison ivy vines on firewood and leafless vines in the winter

Do I need to clean urushiol oil from clothing and tools?

Yes. The urushiol oil from poison oak and poison ivy plants will remain on these articles and can cause a rash months, or even years, later. Removal of the oil with Tecnu® Outdoor Skin Cleanser is important to avoid contaminating through secondary contact in the future.

Can I get the rash from my pets?

Yes. Since animals' fur protects their skin from the urushiol oil, they typically don't develop a rash. However, the oil will remain on their fur and may contaminate you when you touch them. Tecnu® Outdoor Skin Cleanser is safe to use on your pets to remove the oil from their fur.

Is it possible to get a rash by breathing the smoke of burning poison oak or poison ivy plants?

Yes. Urushiol can be carried in the smoke from burning leaves or brush. If you think you have inhaled the oils, see your physician immediately; this can be a very serious condition. In several states it is illegal to burn poisonous plants. Never burn them! Avoid breathing the smoke.

Does bleach remove the urushiol oil or help heal the rash?

No. Bleach may appear to be a quick fix to a poison oak or poison ivy rash. However, bleach removes the top layer(s) of your skin. Using it can irritate your skin and in the process weaken it so that the rash may become worse, or it could lead to an infection. Your skin may then become more sensitive to getting the rash in the future.

Plant Identification

  • Western Poison Oak


    The plant can grow as a dense shrub in open sunlight or a climbing vine in shaded areas. The three leaflets have scalloped edges resembling the leaves of a true oak and can be bronze, bright green, yellow-green or reddish depending on the season. Poison oak can produce greenish-white or tan berries.

    General Poisoning Notes

    Western poison-oak (Rhus diversiloba; synonym Toxicodendron diversiloba) is a native shrub found in southwestern British Columbia. This plant contains urushiol, which is highly sensitizing in humans. Reactions can range from mild redness to large areas of oozing lesions and fever.

    Geographic Information

    British Columbia

    Poisonous Plant Parts

    All parts of the plant, with the exception of the pollen, anthers, xylem, and epidermis, contain the allergen urushiol. Even in winter, sap from damaged stems causes allergic reactions. Similarly, damage to the root results in dermatitis.

  • Poison Ivy


    (Rhus radicans; synonym Toxicodendron radicans) is a native shrub or vine found throughout southern Canada. Poison Ivy Grows throughout much of North America including all Canadian provinces except Newfoundland (and the Territories) and all U.S. states except Alaska, Oregon, Hawaii and California. The plants can grow as a shrub, up to about 4 feet tall, as a groundcover, or as a climbing vine. The color of poison ivy's three almond-shaped leaflets range from light to dark green and turn bright red in the fall. Poison ivy berries are a grayish-white color.

    General Poisoning Notes

    Three recognized varieties are found in various parts of the country (Mulligan and Junkins 1977). Urushiol is the allergenic agent found in most parts of the plant. Damage to plant tissues causes the nonvolatile chemicals to be exposed. Humans are often sensitized, with symptoms ranging from mild itchiness and redness to severe oozing lesions with fever. Poison ivy is probably responsible for more cases of plant dermatitis in Canada than any other plant. Urushiol can contaminate clothes, tools, and the fur of domestic animals. Humans can subsequently develop dermatitis from contact. Humans do not contract the dermatitis on first contact, but most people are sensitized the first time.

    Geographic Information

    Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island. Quebec, Saskatchewan.

    Toxic Parts

    All parts, leaves, plant juices.

  • Poison Sumac


    Found in eastern United States as far west as Idaho and in Canada it is a native shrub or vine found in southern Quebec and southern Ontario, poison sumac grows exclusively in very wet or flooded soils, usually in swamps or peat bogs. Poison sumac has compound leaves with 7-13 leaflets, and the veins from the leaflets are always red. The plant grows as a shrub and produces fruit that is a small white or gray berry.

    General Poisoning Notes

    Poison sumac (Rhus vernix; synonymy Toxicodendron vernix) is. The sap of this plant contains the allergen urushiol. The chemical is released when plant tissue is damaged. Humans are highly sensitive to allergic reaction, although at least one exposure is needed for sensitization. Mild to severe dermatitis can result from exposure to poison sumac.

    Geographic Information

    Ontario, Quebec

    Poisonous Plant Parts

    Most parts of poison sumac contain the allergen except the pollen, anthers, xylem, and epidermis. Damage to plant parts releases the sap that contains the allergen. The allergen occurs in the plant sap, which is found in all plant parts except the pollen, anthers, xylem, and epidermis. If the stems are damaged they can release the allergen, even in the winter. The roots are also dangerous.